What do Christians believe?

Christians believe in God who is the source of all things and in all things.  God is in all people, but we encounter God most perfectly in Jesus Christ who lived in Palestine in the first century.  Jesus shows us God in human terms, in his love, his life, his teaching, his death on a cross for us and his resurrection from the dead.  He offers us hope and purpose in this life and beyond this life. Christians also believe in the Holy Spirit, God’s presence and guidance; like breath we can’t see the Spirit, but we can experience his strengthening, guidance and inspiration.

What do Christians do?  Jesus taught his followers that the most important principles are to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love your neighbour as yourself. From these follow a particular way of life that emphasises respect and tolerance for others, and that urges the active helping of those in any kind of need. God is an active loving power beyond ourselves who we can come to know through prayer and worship.  Worship means acknowledging the reality of God and offering to God our thanks and praise.


Holy Communion, Christian worship often centres on Holy Communion, in which bread and wine are blessed and distributed amongst church members. This is a living recalling of the last supper which Jesus ate with his closest friends on the night before he died. Through it we celebrate his presence with us now and look forward to the future with him.

The Word, Christians recognize the Bible as of particular importance in helping them live their lives.  The bible is a collection of writings, written over a period of nearly a millennium, and comprises the Old Testament – the writings which are common to Christians and Jews – and the new testament, which contains stories about Jesus (in the four books called the Gospels) and reflections on his life and its meaning by some of his earliest followers.  Christians vary in their approaches to the Bible, but all acknowledge its central importance to their faith.


The Church, from earliest times, there was an emphasis on caring for one another and especially the most vulnerable in society.  They met regularly for worship and support.  These gatherings were called churches.  In due course buildings were set up to gather in, and the name ‘church’ came to be used for these buildings. A church building is usually decorated, using paintings, stained glass, and sculpture to remind people of the events in the life of Jesus and his earliest followers, and to help them in their worship. Music is a very important part of Christian worship and church music varies from the traditional organ and choir to more contemporary worship. St John’s is a very old and beautiful building and you are most welcome to come in and pray or enjoy the very special sacred space.  Above all ‘the church’ is the people. Ordinary people seeking to follow the teachings of Jesus.  We don’t have all the answers but we do our best to live as God teaches and to care for all.

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